Feeling Fucking Good – can this be your main goal?

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Can feeling fucking good really be what we should focus on?
Can feeling fucking good really be our main focus?


One of the main lessons I am learning, integrating, absorbing, and really processing in new and deeper ways is this... 

:feeling good is your main goal: 

When I center my life, my experiences, my choices, etc around what feels good, powerful shifts happen. 

Have you tried this? 

Does it sound kinda kookie? 

I totally understand, when I first heard Abraham Hicks say that feeling good is the main focus I got mental hits of "hedonistic tendencies" and then also "self centered" and a few others but they all seemed pretty negative. 

Since that first time hearing it I have really started to understand and process this in a new way. 

Feeling good, raising your vibration, being in enjoyment, happiness, fulfillment, is the ultimate goal - because the more time you spend in that vibration, in that frequency, alive in that essence the more you call in at that vibration. 

So I have been able to shift my perspective and see this lesson for the magnitude it has. 

I also created a video to support your deep dive into this practice, I'll link it below for extra support! 


watch the video by clicking above


To dos: 
- make a list of what makes you feel good 
- create a little cheat sheet on your phone of songs you can play, pictures you can look at, stories you can remember, images you can conjure, a treat you can eat, something special in your bag you can touch, etc that will shift your vibration in the moment 
- when you are feeling your vibration slip, or you get sucked into a low vibe or negative moment/experience USE YOUR LIST and consciously shift out when you are ready 

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