Divine Feminine October’s Practice

Join in on the Our & Are Oct 2019 Divine Feminine Practice
October 2019 Divine Feminine Practice

“let yourself
become living

― Rumi

For this month's Divine Feminine connection I offer some pieces of art, some pieces of music, of poetry, that speak to my divine feminine, that open my 2nd chakra, that call from me flow, sensual balance, and nurture my feminine for each of you to revel in. 

I would also love for each of you to share with the Our & Are community, your pieces of art, music, practices, etc that speak to your divine feminine. 

Please join this conversation & contribute to the Our & Are private Facebook group by clicking here if you aren't already a part of this community. 

Here are some of my favorites,
I hope they speak sweetly to you, inspire you, and help you connect to your divine feminine: 

Londrelle is an ethereal blend of spoken word poetry & guided mediation, he speaks to my soul, and calls to my divine feminine. 

These ladies get me feeling the flow, when I am ready to move my body & connect with my divine feminine, I turn on their music and get inspired. 

When I desire a private ecstatic dance session I put on this song and let the movement build through me.  

When I desire to step into receiving mode, before I do work on my computer, or ask for something I desire, or start to practice my manifestations I will put on this jam and feel the receiving like rays of sunshine on my face. 

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